BCV solutions s.r.o.

Blog Marcel Poul

How to connect Microsoft Active Directory into CzechIdM

Since MS AD is the major directory service spread across the enterprise environment, connecting it to our identity manager CzechIdM is one of the most frequent task we come across. This text is a short tutorial of how to manage accounts of users in AD via an identity manager CzechIdM. It will guide you through […]

11. 4. 2018 •

Workflow – just another buzzword in identity management? No…

Workflow is a magic word almost like MAC, both has several meanings. Which meaning is the right one in case of workflow? What does it represent in the identity management context, you will find out in the article.

13. 11. 2017 •

CzechIdM 7.5 Emerald is out

Three weeks after the Diamond was released, here comes a new stable version of CzechIdM called Emerald. It provides many interesting new features as well as some bugfixes. Check out the post to see what brings the latest version of our identity manager. Provisioning brake If you have a system connected to CzechIdM, e.g. MS […]

30. 10. 2017 •

Roles in CzechIdM – who approves their assigning?

Identity manager helps on the field of privileges management. It can solve tasks like roles evidence and distribution or role assignment to users. Another benefit of identity manager is that role assignment can usually be driven by workflow and user tasks. How does it work in CzechIdM, you will find out in the article.

16. 10. 2017 •

Identity lifecycle processes in CzechIdM 7

Everyone knows that an identity manager automatically handles access rights of users in connected systems. But how does it do that? CzechIdM 7 comes with a set of default processes that do the job. What are they about you will find out in the article.

1. 10. 2017 •

Transforming attributes in CzechIdM 7

You installed CzechIdM and then connected systems to it. You prepared provisioning and synchronization definitions with attributes mapping. Well done, now you can automatically distribute information about identities, roles and other object between connected systems. But what to do, if there is some attribute value transformation required? You will find you in the following text.

19. 9. 2017 •

Introducing CzechIdM modules – [reg] – user registration

Reg module servers as a registration point for new users to access CzechIdM. To be a registered user, one has to go through several validation steps before he can log in to CzechIdM. In the article we will describe, how the reg module can save administrator’s time.

11. 9. 2017 •

CzechIdM 7 – easy app configuration and module activation

New version of CzechIdM brings new approach to the application configuration. We can use easy static configuration or define configuration properties in the application itself and do some advanced magic. In the article we will go through the application configuration and show the reader how easily activate installed modules.

5. 9. 2017 •

Long running tasks in CzechIdM 7

New generation of CzechIdM brings many improvements to our identity manager. How we dealt with the long running task (LRT) management you can read in my post. Introducing LRT First of all it would be nice to introduce the LRT to those, who are not familiar with the term. Many actions in CzechIdM are supposed […]

30. 8. 2017 •

Do boje pod vlajkou nového GUI – release 2016q2

Po poměrně krátké době od vydání letošního prvního releasu CzechIdM 2016q1 náš tým vývojářů opět šlápl do pedálů a zkompletoval vydání další verze našeho identity manageru. Na nebi uživatelské přívětivosti přibyla nová hvězda, o které jsme čtenáře s předstihem informovali v našem článku o novém uživatelském rozhraní. Nyní však nastal okamžik, kdy se nové uživatelské […]

31. 8. 2016 •