BCV solutions s.r.o.

Blog Lukáš Cirkva

Key benefits of Identity Management

How can an identity management help in your company? Here are key benefits for different employee roles in the organization. For users Self-service Password reset New permissions and accounts requests Overview of current permissions and accounts Overview of contracted positions, contact information

23. 10. 2017 •

New release of CzechIdM 7.4 – Diamond

Main milestones: Virtual systems are supported A virtual system is a system, that can not be directly connected for online management. The reason may be for example the absence of a suitable system connector. The virtual system is basically only a registration mode, where for each system change is generated the implementation request (notification) that […]

19. 10. 2017 •

CzechIdM, full documentation available online, where?

CzechIdM is an opensource identity management tool that automates the operations associated with establishing, canceling, or changing identity lifecycle. We create and offer CzechIdM as a product. Our goal is to make it as simple as possible, a good GUI and a pleasant UX. That’s why documentation is very important to us. CzechIdM documentation can be […]

15. 9. 2017 •

Virtual systems

Imagine a situation when you need to manage accounts in systems, but it does not make sense to connect these systems to IdM for direct management. Then you have the function of “Virtual Systems”. How does it work? To create, change (e.g. assign rights), or delete accounts on a virtually connected system CzechIdM will instruct […]

29. 8. 2017 •

Release 7.3 is a third public version of CzechIdM code-named Citrine.

Release 7.3 is one of the major milestones with many important features. Main millstones: User-configurable data permissions (Identity and Role). Authorization policies could be assigned to standard roles. Policy evaluates permissions, what currently logged user can do with domain objects. Remote connector server is supported now. From now, we support an external server connector. Therefore, […]

9. 6. 2017 •

Take a look at new CzechIdM 7 GUI!

We have developed a new CzechIdM 7 product base on our previous experiences from our bigger and smaller projects and custommers. The key was to collect the most important features and put them into a user-friendly design with the possibility to install CzechIdM 7 by yourself. It was challenging and still is. We are still working […]

30. 3. 2017 •

Released CzechIDM 7.0 Beryl – Second public version of new CzechIdM devstack

Main milestones: Frontend and backend modularity. Spring event model implemented. New version of account management. New version of provisioning. EAV froms implemented for every identity and connector configuration. Secured Groovy script implemented. Confidential storage api. Downloads Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) Enjoy. :-)

24. 2. 2017 •

Jste schopni podporovat velká řešení? Ano, již servisujeme!

Včera se mne zeptal jeden IT ředitel, zda jsme schopni supportovat velká řešení Identity a Access Managementu (IdM a AM). Nejen, že to nabízíme, ale dlouhodobě máme zákazníky s velkými řešeními, které jsme dodali a supportujeme! Několik čísel: Aktuálně zákazníkům pomáháme spravovat 3.000.000 účtů! Kdo spravuje více v ČR pomocí IdM? více jak 65.000 spravovaných […]

27. 1. 2017 •

Released CzechIDM 7.0 Beryl – Second public version of new CzechIdM devstack

Main milestones: Frontend and backend modularity. Spring event model implemented. New version of account management. New version of provisioning. EAV froms implemented for every identity and connector configuration. Secured Groovy script implemented. Confidential storage api. Downloads Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) Enjoy. :-)

21. 12. 2016 •

Zhodnocení roku 2014 a plány na rok 2015

Rok 2014 byl pro nás obrovskou lekcí. Hlavně díky tomu, že jsme dlouho čekali na nové zakázky. To se nám stalo poprvé od startu firmy a donutilo nás to udělat hodně změn, které nakonec měly velmi pozitivní dopad na fungování firmy. Druhá polovina roku byla opakem, naprostým úspěchem. Získali jsme nové zákazníky, tým vývojářů a […]

23. 2. 2015 •