BCV solutions s.r.o.


Upcoming changes to CzechIdM

I will summarize forthcoming changes and improvements for next version of CzechIdM in this article. Hiding the splash image Each time, you log into CzechIdM, it displays generic image outlining the general structure. Are you tired of it? From this time, you will be immediately redirected to another page where you can instantly begin administrating […]

14. 5. 2014 •

RESTful API for legacy SunSSO

For various reasons, many organizations (have to) use legacy applications. That is simply a fact we need to cope with while creating integration solutions. One of our customers use really old SunSSO, which was released about ten years ago, and use it for authenticating users. This particular version of SunSSO doesn’t have any simple API […]

13. 5. 2014 •

Kerberos at CTU – case study

Czech Technical University (CTU) is significantly heterogeneous environment from the view of information systems. It counts tens to hundreds standalone services and applications, which are used by tens of thousands users – students, employees and hosts. What is specific for CTU environment is splitting administration and service of IT between university and faculty departments. Introduction […]

12. 5. 2014 •

The new monitoring of CzechIdM system

From the moment that you could read the article about tools for monitoring our Identity Management CzechIdM, had passed quite a few months and now we made a progress. In the new version CzechIdM, which is being tested and will soon be presented to the public, there is active monitoring and sophisticated environment offers many […]

7. 5. 2014 •

Managing mail server using CzechIdM

Identity Manager CzechIdM can manage various types of data like filesystems, domain accounts, business systems and also mail server. This article will focus on managing mail server using CzechIdM. What is it mailserver? Mail servers are used to proccess e-mails. They can receive them but also forward them to another mail server mainly using the […]

29. 4. 2014 •

Odložené úkoly – Deffered Tasks v Oracle Waveset

Ve většině společností se účty zaměstnanců spravují k určitému datu. Při nástupu zaměstnance se mu jeho uživatelské účty (email, přístup do informačních systémů dané společnosti atd.) zpřístupní k datu jeho nástupu. Při jeho odchodu se mu naopak účty zablokují, případně smažou, k datu jeho odchodu. Níže Vám nastíním jednu z možností, jak takové řešení implementovat. Nedávno […]

25. 4. 2014 •

Delegation of the approval request in CzechIdM

Delegation of the approval request extends options of requests in CzechIdM. This function gives users opportunity dynamically to choose own deputy, who have been entrusted approving incoming requests. The basic functionality Delegation, in their basic functionality, allows users move own rights and responsibility related with requests in CzechIdM to other user or a group of […]

22. 4. 2014 •

Seznámení s Hibernate ORM

V tomto článku si popíšeme základy technologie Hibernate ORM pro komunikaci Javy s relačními databázemi. Osvěžíme si znalosti o tom, co je to ORM a jak se popisují vztahy mezi jednotlivými entitami v datovém modelu. Letmo se zmíníme, jaký vztah je mezi Java Persistence API (JPA) a Hibernate. Na závěr se ve stručnosti seznámíte s […]

16. 4. 2014 •

Napojení CzechIdM na IS Matrix aneb jak na agendové systémy

Pro našeho zákazníka jsme napojovali k CzechIdM informační systém Matrix. V tomto článku Vám blíže popíši technickou realizaci tohoto napojení a dále se podíváme, jaké jsou jeho přínosy pro zákazníka. CzechIdM CzechIdM je Identity Manager, tedy software umožňující centrální správu uživatelských účtů na koncových systémech. U tohoto konkrétního zákazníka CzechIdM načítá informace o zaměstnancích z […]

8. 4. 2014 •

Managing MS Active Directory and Exchange 2010 by CzechIdM

Recently, we connected systems MS Active Directory and MS Exchange 2010 to our Identity Manager CzechIdM for one of our customers. User accounts in the AD domain and their mailboxes would be managed automatically, which would save the time of administrators of these systems and ensure that the data would be always up-to-date with the […]

2. 4. 2014 •