Delegation of the approval request in CzechIdM

Delegation of the approval request extends options of requests in CzechIdM. This function gives users opportunity dynamically to choose own deputy, who have been entrusted approving incoming requests.

The basic functionality

Delegation, in their basic functionality, allows users move own rights and responsibility related with requests in CzechIdM to other user or a group of users. The user only needs to choose in CzechIdM web interface some other user(s), to whom he would want to delegate own requests and, when the deputy accepts this responsibility delegation, this delegation becomes active without any complicated administration.

Now all of approval requests will stop comes to original approval and it is sent to every active deputy. Every one of this deputies has full rights to approve or reject this request. When someone finishes the request, it is regarded as closed and it is deleted from list of waiting requests by other deputies.

 Time limitation

In choosing deputy is possible in delegation form choose start-date and end-date of delegation validity. This choice enables various options of delegation, then in practice delegation is not active before start neither after end of validity. CzechIdM treats with inactive delegations like they don’t exist – i.e. when user has a lot of delegations but all of them are inactive, CzechIdM sends every request to him.

Specifying start-date or end-date is not mandatory and nothing prevents to user leave one or both fields in form empty. Without specifying end-date is delegation indefinitely (until user cancel it). Without specifying start-date delegation is valid at the moment of confirmation by deputy.

Using the delegation

Users with relevant rights have access to tab “Delegate tasks” in CzechIdM in Tasks section. On this site there is shown overview of all delegations with the time intervals during which are tasks delegated to the deputy (or deputies). By pressing the Edit button we move to the displayed form below, which is for create new delegation.

Form for delegation editation in CzechIdM

By pressing button „Select user“ displays dialog box, which allows searching in list of other users and their filtration by user-name, first name or last name.

The dialog box for deputy selection when creating a new delegation

After selecting a user is added to the list of selected users. In the right part of form is possible to specify start-date and end-date of delegation validity.

Selecting start-date and end-date when creating a new delegation

After selecting users and time range is need to create the delegations. To do this is there button Select, after its pressing is created one line in list of selected users for each user, with time details.

The result of adding a new delegation to the table

In this table is possible to delete any existing delegation (using option „Delete“ at the end of line). To close the edit form are there two buttons on the bottom of the form. By selecting Close the form is only closed and all changes are discarded. The Save option saves all changes to the system and after that closes form. Deleting the existing delegations takes effect immediately but creating a new delegation take effect until after that the deputy approved the delegation.

Delegation in the cascade…

The system does not restrict users to delegation their requests to someone who delegates his request also, even on several levels. The resulting cascade behaves so that any request addressed to one of the users in the resulting delegation concatenation, gradually passes through all participants in the chain and is sent only to the user at the end.

… and in the circle

In the event that users consciously (or unconsciously) close the chain of delegation – ie in chain of delegations would occur one user on two different places – a situation can be call delegation in the circle. System in this situation can not adequately determine to whom requests should be delivered, therefore contains a fuse that will ensure that in the case of delegation in circle, all requests sent to participants in the circle, are sent to the original recipients.


Described delegation function is already standard component of our Identity Manager CzechIdM. Currently, we are planning further extension the functionality for better overview and control and from the perspective of the delegate and few administration functionality for easier delegation management. If you are interested or questions please contact me at


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